# Working with Gitpod
Gitpod is a cloud development environment. Using Gitpod can help you get LocalGov Drupal up and running quickly, without needing to set up a local development environment. It's more like a local development environment than a production environment, and is intended for you to try out LocalGov Drupal, not for running live websites.
# Before you start
- Sign up for gitpod.io (opens new window), if you haven't already.
# Try it out:
- Click on the "Open in Gitpod" button below
- Your environment is being prepared, wait about a minute.
- VSCode code editor will be displayed.
- Various commands will run in the terminal at the bottom of the screen. Wait for these to complete.
- You'll get a link to your LocalGov Drupal site in a message like this. Ctrl-click the long link to open the LocalGov Drupal website in a new tab
Project can be reached at https://8080-essexcounty-localgovpro-i5qq2u8hn9l.ws-eu81.gitpod.io
- Log in with the credentials
If you later make the site public, make sure you change the username and password - otherwise anyone with the link could control your site. By default, the project is not made public, so this is not an issue.
# Adding demo content
The LocalGov Drupal demo content showcases a lot of the content types in LocalGov Drupal. Enabling this will make your website look like https://demo.localgovdrupal.org. To do this:
- Go to the Gitpod window
- In the terminal at the bottom of the page, type
ddev drush en localgov_demo